Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lets Reflect on the Idea of Lighting

I love my new addition to my photography equipment and that is reflectors! Im now a proud owner of a series of lastolite reflectors! The are so great I had to get a whole bunch of them. These can be used for many things from being a main light source, fill in light, or for other special effects.

The breakdown of my selection of reflectors I have are a variety of surface finishes in various sizes other than my only 48” reflector for now. In totally I have 8 reflectors, 4 20" reflectors for general use, 3 30" reflectors for larger objects or general use, and lastly one large 48" reflector for big jobs. There isn’t rules etched in stone how you should use a reflector, it just an aid for me to do my job better if the event calls for one.

Here is a view of a reflector opened.

Here is a view of my books using a dim fluorescent light above me:

 1/60 f2.8 ISO800

Now my books using the same setting but with a reflector:

 1/60 f2.8 ISO800 w/ a 30" gold reflector

Something to really note is that I am using this as a main light. Indoors with this type of light really does not do much except give you the ability to read the text better, however when using more powerful lights it gives that added fill to a picture because for the most part is almost full of light from my flash as a main source. There will be many examples of this later when I start using them more to give you examples of this technique of using a reflector combined with flash to achieve great looking photographs.

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