Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Entry of the Blog!

Hey viewers! This is my first blog entry for my experiences of being a strobist to share with family and friends about my work and my progress to enlighten others and further my career in photography! I hope you all enjoy my experiences from what is good to bad!

To start things off, my name is Robert Adams and I am a aspiring photographer, medical student, and communicator. I only say that because for the past 3 years I have been in college is the paths that I have made that I could get credentials in! I have been taking pictures on and off for 3 years since my senior year of high school but it was only until now that it has caught on and I'm so exited to start shooting!

My first cameras were a Sony W1 back in 2004. A capable camera...back 5 years ago!! I said to myself that one day I will get myself a SLR, and when I do and learned to use it I would try and document my experience and teach others. Now that I learned about blogs Id think that be a great way to do it! I went to a Panasonic fort their G1 back in 2008. It is a GREAT camera, and it was great for someone else because it got stolen right out of my car! Bummed and down on my luck and hating cameras, somehow I started looking online at Canon forums and learned of the word, "Strobist". I never heard of it in photography class back in high school , so I conducted research and i was fascinated to what I learned!

Its all about lighting being a photographer and being a strobist is putting all of that on your back and rolling with it! Being a gear head and a bit of a geek when it comes to these things, I was hooked! In these entries, you guys will get to see the evolution of my photography and my writing skills since I tried many times to just do a stupid journal and failed every time, every year to keep them...I hope that dosent happen with my blog! Well enough of my intro for today! I will update this from time to time of my experiences with photos, gear, and events. Enjoy!

To start things off. Here is a picture of one of my rabbits in my yard.

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